Rebecca Chisman, daughter of the late-Denver abstract artist Dale Chisman, is pleased to announce the release of Dale Chisman In Retrospect, the companion book for the exhibit of Chisman's work at RedLine on January 13 - February 27, 2011.
You can preview the book below and/or order the book direct from Blurb. Use promo code SHARE on checkout to receive free flat-rate shipping.
"Jorgensen has created a masterwork of beauty, complexity, and emotion. He honors the work and spirit of Dale Chisman."
Inspired by the paintings of his late father-in-law, the prominent abstract-impressionist artist Dale Chisman, drummer Matt Jorgensen has created a recording of all original works drawing influence directly from Chisman paintings, his home city of Denver, his life-long friends, and his constant reinvention as an artist. To properly reflect the power and expanse of Chisman's pieces, Jorgensen, along with his longtime collaborators - trumpeter Thomas Marriott and saxophonist Mark Taylor - expands his own palette from previous recordings, exploring broad new textures and musical landscapes aided by Corey Christiansen's earthy guitar work, bassist Dave Captein, and orchestrations for string quartet.
Click here for to view more information about the CD and listen to sound clips.